First things first. I have changed the blog template slightly as you can see. Tell me how you guys like it. :-)
The song that I am posting today is a Kannada song. Earlier I had posted one Kannada song and later I took it off as I thought there were some serious flaws. A couple of weeks back when Ramya asked me if I would be interested in singing a Kannada song, I thought I would give it a try. Thanks a bunch to you Ramya, for sending me this beautiful song with its karaoke and lyrics!
I haven't heard much Kannada songs and this one is really really beautiful. Also I thank Rama maam who spent her valuable time to correct the diction. I know it still has some flaws on diction and I take the whole responsibility of it because I'm such a laaaazy guy when it comes to re-recording.
You can download the MP3 files of my songs from Multiply. You will need to register before you can download the songs. Please make sure that you select the proper relationship status; I was recently stunned by seeing someone in the contacts list as "___ is your wife"!! I noticed it only when a friend came online and complained that I didn't tell her that I got married! LOL!!
Here is the song from the super hit film Mungaru Male, originally sung by Sonu Nigam. Let me know what you guys think. Dedicating this song to Rama maam and Ramya.
Movie: Mungaru Male
Singer: Sonu Nigam
Music: Mano Murthy
Lyrics: Jayanth Kaykani
Language: Kannada
Hi Jo,
Nice song and your voice over provides a different feel to the song.
Can you send me the karaoke version (without voice) for it?
Yes, I can. Can you send me your email ID?
can u send me the karoke for this song?My email id is revathi1984@GMAIL.COM
Am a malayalee brought up in Karnataka...
Loved your song...tooo good :)
valare nannayitund...:)
I have not heard the original...
but this is a sweet effort :)
Preetha, Thank you!!
hey jo...very good voice and a sincere effort....appriciate it...can u plz send me the karaoke version plz...email to cheers_rai@yahoo.co.in
Great Jo! Superb rendition.
- Your pronunciation (though a mallu) is quite accurate. I am a pucca Kannadiga.
Visit my blog at http://www.esnips.com/web/krradishaMusicFiles
Jo!! Awesome voice!!! I swear ur voice has got that depth in it. really superb. As mentioned there were some mistakes in the pronounciation of certain words bt really those were really really minor..
Also, can you please send me the Karaoke version of Anisuthide song to shrinidhi.koteshwar@gmail.com .
Hi Ramesh and Srini,
Thank you very much for your kind comments.
Ramesh, I will checkout your Esnips page. Why don't you also try to make an audioblog?
Srini, I will send the karaoke to your email ID.
Hi Jo,
Great work Man! well sung.
Also, I appreciate your great work towards maintaining the blog.
I am a great fan of this song and movie, I wrote an article on this on my blog
Why we take such a long time to create hits: Mungaru Male (MM)
I was wondering if you could send me the Karaoke of this song. My email id is santh_guru@yahoo.com
Looking forward to hear from you.
Hi Jo,
Can you please send me the karaoke for this.No voice please.I want to try the female version of this song
My email ID is chayadwarkanath@yahoo.co.in
I have been listening to your song for the nth time I guess. Awesome job.
Hi Jo!!!!
Seriously you've got an awesome Voice like KJY (Like when he was young)
Pls Pls buddy could you send the Karaoke version of this song (without voice) to my email, it is thepianisto@gmail.com
Please send it as soon as possible and I shall be very very grateful to you....!
GOd Bless
too good!! could you pls send me the karaoke??? my email dsouza_4_u@hotmail.com
Thank you Jim and Clinton. Will send the karaoke track soon.
I like the song in your voice.
A typical mallu genious!
You mallu guys are gifted with this similar 'depth'y voices man!
Thank you very much. :-)
I need the karaoke of "Anisuthide" too if u can please...nice singing sir!!!!
If u can kindly send me the karaoke to this id.
Thanks and all the best!!
Jo, Great singing of Anisuthide yaako..! Where can I get the karaoke tracks for this song and the title song as well? Would you be able to email me these? My email is hikiran@sbcglobal.net
Thank You
well well well wat can i say ... just amazing ...
im turning into a huge fan !!!
great going ... :)
Thanks Rush. :-)
nice song and nice voice. Can you please send me the karaoke track ragini_s@hotmail.com Am trying to teach my 41/2 year daughter to sing with it.
Hey... I am in Chicago, I love 2 songs from Mungaru male. (1) Mungaru maleye, and (2) Anisutide yako indu. Can you please send me the KARAOKE for these two songs ?, I would really appreciate your kind help. My email ID is rrao@comcast.net
Hi Jo, I love songs from Mungaru male. Can you please send me the KARAOKE for all songs ?, I would really appreciate your kind help. My email ID is neeta_an@hotmail.com
Jo, I like it. Can you send me the Karaoke Version of all Maungaru Male songs if you have to vinaygao@yahoo.com
Hi Jo,
Very good work...your singing is top-notch. Can you please send me the karaoke version without voice? Email ID: anil_sb@yahoo.com
Hi Jo,
Can you send me the karaoke of Anisuthide? Please send in my email id lalitkumarkabra@rediffmail.com
Hi Jo,
Can you please send me the karaoke of Anisuthide yako indu? Please send it to my email id suhas.shanbhogue@gmail.com
hi jo,
an awesome effort...i also have a few karaoke songs which might suit ur voice...can give u the lyrics as well if u are interested...can u please send me the karaoke version of this song??? there is a female version with the same tune....i would greatly appreciate it
i meant anisutide yaako indu track
Hi Jo,
I cudn't listen to the Karaoke of Mungaru Maleye, Can you pls send me the karaoke version ? my mail id is naavu_neevu@yahoo.com
can somebody send me Anisuthidu Yako Indu Song's Karaoke Version?
Thanks & regards
-Swapnil Harsh
Hi Jo,
I would like to sing Anisuthide song in my annual day. Despite, I know very little Kannada, I am trying as the song is too good.
Could you please send me the Karoke version. Thanks.
My email id is : arul_durai_raj@yahoo.com
Very good singing skills.
I apperciate if you could send me the karaoke track of the song.
My e-mail:mohanbudikote@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
Could u plzz send me the karoke version.. i Too Want To Sing This lovely song..plzz
Hey, can u please send the karaoke version to gauthammj@hotmail.com. I would be very grateful.
Thank you
Greate job. Appreciate youe dedication toward music. Could you please send karoke version of Mungaru male , kanna song at vanibandargal@gmail.com
Greate Job, appreciate you dedication toward music. Could you please send me karoke version of Mungaru Male, kannada song at vanibandargal@gmail.com
very nice...feel...jo..keep it up...give somemore such in your soft voice..
please send the karoeke version so that i can make try at it..
cheer you
venkataramyoga5 @ G mail.com
I have to sing for a Kannada Organization in USA. I would appreciate if you can send me the Kannada Karaoke;s I wont mind sharing with you the cost involved. Also if you can let me know as to where in Bangalore can I buy the Karaoke.
Ravi (mayous2004@yahoo.com)
Hi Jo,
Could you please send your anisuthide karaoke by email, my email is srirao422@yahoo.com
i just came across to this site i have do have karoake of this.. my email ansar_dak@hotmail.com
Mate, can u please send me the karaoke for the song Mungaru Malae. I am in desperate need of it. My email id is netsavy80@gmail.com
Like everyone, can you send me the karaoke version. Also Kunidu bare as well if you have to
Thanks in advance...badari
could you pls send me the karoke for this song.. my mail is vathsu.s.r@gmail.com. pls its urgent and i need it for a competetion.
Please send the karoake of Kolakuzhal to my email: maheshkurup@hotmail.com. Thanks
One of your best. Loved it a lottt!!!... Actually, I've been searching for the karaoke for this song, but couldn't. Great to hear this song in your voice. Keep your great work going.!!!
Thank you Arun. :-)
Hi, Can you please send the karaoke of this song. I love this but always I use to sing over the original. My e-mail id is kempe.gowda@yahoo.com
can u please send me the karoke version of this song to my email sojivarghesem@gmail.com
Hi Jo,
Can you please send the karaoke version to me at prabupada@gmail.com
Hi, Jo,
Nice Voice. Nice Attempt.
Can you please send me the karaoke version of this song ?
My Email ID :
- Deepak
Hi Friends
can anyone send me the karaoke version of mungaru male songs?
Please send them to jyothi.ghiwari@gmail.com
great song!! excellent!! could u provide me the original mp3 and lyrics of this song?
Could you please delete the ID u ve given in this blog??
its typed by mistake!!!
u ve given my email ID!!
Jo, u've done a fabulous job with it! :) hv been listening to the orignal all the time and was happy to see u've recorded it :)
please try the title song as well :)
Thanks a lot Vidyu! :-)
Hi Jo,
Stumbled on yr blog site while browsing ....good site.
Your Anisuthide ...was very good. Almost as good as mine(!!just kidding)I myself just got hold of the karaoke and am freaking out on this gem of a song.
Have a load of Mal and Hindi karaoke tracks, and would like to get hold of some specific ones...hope u can help.
Sure. :-)
Hi Jo, Fantasic singing. can you please send me the karaoke for Anisuthide my email is hemarao@optusnet.com.au..Thanks
HI Jo,
can youplease send female version karaoke as wwll to hemarao@optusnet.com.au
Jo .. great effort!
sounds very different ..
can i have the karaoke of this song? I'm in a band and would love to sing this song .. my email is somas83@gmail.com
Hi Jo
the song from movie 'MILANA' 'Ninnindle ninnindale kanasondu shuruvagide' is great. You should try singing this.
Hi Jo
the song from movie 'MILANA' 'Ninnindle ninnindale kanasondu shuruvagide' is great. You should try singing this.
Hi Jyothi, thanks for the comment. I heard Ninnindhale and loved it totally!! Will definitely try singing it if I get the karaoke.
Great voice !! Could you pls send me the Karaoke for this song and Ninnindale song from Milana ? My ID is mahashetty@gmail.com
wow jo..how did i miss to listen to this one so far. such an awesome rendition..simply superb!
Thanks Rosh. :-)
HI Jo,
Can you please email me the karoke track for Anisuthide yako ninna from Mungaru male. My 11 year old daughter wants to sing to that.
My email ID is anil_b1@yahoo.com
Thank You
really great voice .. i really liked in ur voice as much as the original :)
Thank you so much, Anil!
Hi Jo,
Can you please send me the karoake version of this song(anisutide yako) to me,
My Id is manojinmosul@gmail.com
Thats a wounderful singing Jo.
The K-track is of good quality.
Even recently I got attracted towards the 2 songs from this movie.
I have created a track of Mungaru maleye and posted my version of it.
Have a listen if you get time.
And will you be OK to share this karaoke to me.. navinbox@yahoo.co.in
Thanks in advance...
Jo,Can you please send me the karaoke version of Anisuthide. very nice singing by the way.
my email : anjusimha@sbcglobal.net
Thank you
Wow, Jo, for a guy living in Thrissur and not Bangalore, I don't know how you picked up taste in Kannada songs.
Your posting is almost an year old but I ran into it today and I must say I was stunned, for two reasons.
a) Without understanding the language, it's hard to impart the emotion, which you have done
b)Very, very, negligible accent issue.
"Neenene nannavalindu" should be "Neenene nannavalendu".
Awesome job with the "Ninnindale" song too.
Thank you Tale. I appreciate your comments very much!
Hi Jo,
You have sung it very well!
Can you please send me the karaoke version of this song to my email, bgravi AT gmail ? Thanks!
hi jo...........
I am nighil...From dubai......I heard ur song...its too good...nice feel...and nice voice....I am a small singer....if u don't mind pls send me the karaoke by mail...pls.....my mail ID is....
hi jo...........
I am nighil...From dubai......I heard ur song...its too good...nice feel...and nice voice....I am a small singer....if u don't mind pls send me the karaoke by mail...pls.....my mail ID is....
Hi Jo,
This was fabulous. I believe you have polished your rendering of Kannada in the second song,
Great voice and expect a lot more.BTW try to know the lyrics of the song which will elevate the song to an alltogether diffrent plane. ;) Am sure by this time you would have become an expert in Kannada. Chill madi Jo..
Hi Anand, thank you very much for listening to my song and your commenting here. I am still learning Kannada with each song. :-) Your feedback will help.
hi jo,,,this is puneet,,,,i hav been a singer myself,,n listening to u,,i realize i hav so much to do!! wel, i wont compare u n sonu,, u both hav a class of ur own,,,keeep rocking!!! hey n plz,,i hav been searching for the karaoke of anisutide song yar,,,can u plzzz send it to me,,,my email id is puneetsportz@gmail.com,,,,do leave ur reply
Hi Jo,
Grt voice, well done. Can you please send me the karaoke version (without voice) of this song? My email id is nag_arch@yahoo.com
gud singing yaar!
Thank you Nalina.
It would be of great help if you could send me the Karaoke of song Anisuthide....
My mail id is
hi jo,
can you please send me the karaoke to shashidharan_b@yahoo.co.in
thanks in advance..
Hi Jo,
Great work. I would also like to have the karoake with out the voice for my 9 year old son to sing it.
Email id is mmahad@yahoo.com.
Can you please send at your earliest.
hi jo
ur really good man.keep it up
can i gt the karoake of MAA? i've been dyn i gt the karoake.
my email: shahirreturns@yahoo.com
Can anyone please send me the Karaoke version of the song "Mungaru Maleye"...i've been dying to get that song..... you would help me sing this song next week during my college farewell, if u send me....
My email is srinirulesmech@gmail.com
Thanks a lot in advance!
kindly don't forget to send me the karaoke version of "Mungaru maleye"....hope u hav realised my desperation....
Can anyone please send me the Karaoke version of the song "Mungaru Maleye"...i've been dying to get that song..... you would help me sing this song next week during my college farewell, if u send me....
My email is srinirulesmech@gmail.com
Thanks a lot in advance!
kindly don't forget to send me the karaoke version of "Mungaru maleye"....hope u hav realised my desperation....
Dear Jo,
Excellent singing and you have great voice.
Can you please send me the Karoke version of this song please please my email id surendran_kumaran@yahoo.com.
Hi Jo,
You are really tooooooo goood... I can't stop myself from hearing your song.
What do you do? You should try and be a playback singer...
And when you do, remember it me who pushed you :)
Seriously, you should try you have such a great voice.
Thanks Kumaran :-)
Can you please send me this song to prabmurthy@gmail.com
Hello sir ur voice is too good even i wanna sing like u so plz send me the KARAOKE and the SONG which u have sang to my mail id jayaram.k.g@gmail.com
hey jo
can u also send me d karaoke version of mungaru male
i need it very urgently!!!!
my email id is raoshreyas@rediffmail.com
please send it asap!!!!
can u plz send the kareoke of mungaru malai , coz i love the songs very much , i am from hyderabad, andhra pradesh plzz send it to sahu0102@gmail.com
Jo, super singing, almost near to original.
Can you send me the karaoke version to my email id srinivasrp@ymail.com
hai jo from trissur...
am ashil from kannur..
enikku oru paadu oru paadu eshtayi...
nannayi padeettunduto..
may god bless u to keep up your voice..
best wishes from my side..
am geart fan of this song..and this is the one and only one kannda film i saw hey hey...only because of thi sosng..
have a great day ahead...
Thank you Ashil...
Hi Jo,
Ur voice is excellant:)
Please send me karaoke version(without voice) for it. Also I need karaoke version(without voice) for Ivanu geleyanalla(form mungaru male) and Marali Mareyagi(from Savari). Please any one have send it to me. Email id: mahima.prabhu@gmail.com
Hi Jo,
Nice voice. Good to hear kannada song on ur voice. Can you please send me the karoke for this song to my mail id : dnsmurthy_net@rediffmail.com
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